Streaks are their own reward. When you commit to something every day, you find satisfaction—independent from the activity itself—just in keeping the streak alive.
In this way, streaks are a powerful source of motivation. They create self-reinforcing internal pressure to keep going. Each day that extends the streak is more motivation not to break it tomorrow.
Streaks create a positive feedback loop that reinforce new routines. And eventually those routines form new habits.
It’s hard to explain to a non-runner how someone can wake up at 5:30 AM every day and go for an 8 mile jog, rain or shine. But for the conditioned marathoner, it’s a no-brainer. They’ve been doing it consistently for so long that it’s not even a decision that they need to think about.
A runner runs. It’s what they do. Running every day transforms the activity into an extension of who they are.
Streaks build routines. Routines build habits. Habits build character.
Professionals show up and do the work. Streaks make it easier to come back and do it again tomorrow.
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