Activity without purpose is wasted motion. The most active animal in the barnyard is the chicken with its head cut off. Movement isn't always a sign of life. Likewise, busy is not the same as …
Push notifications broke their promise
Push notifications were supposed to make us more productive. They promised we'd get more done as long as we never missed a beat. Technology would help us respond at a moments notice to every new …
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Own your course by being proactive
The difference between people who are regularly proactive and those who are not is literally the difference between having a fulfilling career and working for the weekend. We're not talking about a …
Reduce interruptions by batching issues
Ineffective leaders waste a lot of time and energy responding to one-off issues throughout the day. Small, frequent interactions distract us from doing deep, meaningful work. They interrupt our …
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How to make progress on side projects
We all have hobbies, interests, and side projects that we work on in our free time. I enjoy reading and writing on my blog. My cousin is training for the Boston Marathon. And a friend of mine in …
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Have a great day by noon
We don’t have an unlimited supply of energy and focus. Our energy ebbs and flows throughout the day, generally decreasing from the morning’s first cup of coffee until our heads hit the pillow at …
What am I spending too much time on?
This is an incredibly powerful question for new hires to ask their managers. The sooner you can learn what to say “No” to, the better. Young professionals – myself included – often fall into the …
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Urgency is a powerful psychological tool
Professional marketers use it every day to get consumers to buy more of their products. You see it with “today-only” deals and expiring coupons. Give people a limited time offer and they’re …
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They say you should dream BIG!
But maybe not too big. The problem with big dreams is that they often become a convenient excuse to procrastinate. You see, a big dream must be planned meticulously. All the details ironed …