What’s the harm in walking into work Monday morning a little groggy? As it turns out, quite a bit. According to one estimate, the economic cost of sleep loss in the …
Atomic Essays
Inspiration is for amateurs
Motivation is a fickle thing. Something as basic as hunger can completely zap you of any internal drive to keep going. It’s best not to rely on it. The fact of life is that there …
The fight against complexity
All organizations are entropic. They never drift towards simplicity, but become more complicated as they grow. Left unchecked, complexity will eventually kill growth. Therefore, a …
Adding benefits versus removing problems
Science tells us that drinking water first thing in the morning is one of the best things we can do for our health. A 16oz glass of H2O kick-starts your metabolism, rehydrates, wakes you up, helps …
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Doing all the right things but at the wrong times
Productivity can’t be reduced to time management. If that were the case, then more time at the office would always equate to getting more things done. But how often has a busy day left you feeling …
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Are You a Maker or a Manager?
Google calendar was designed for managers. Go to add an event and it defaults to a one-hour blocked appointment. This is how a manager fills a productive day. Meetings bump against each other …
Learning how to deal with the imposter syndrome
Have you ever felt undeserving of an accomplishment? Or felt like you didn’t belong? There’s a name for this. It’s called the “imposter syndrome." It’s characterized by a pattern of self-doubt. …
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The conference room is not your freshman lecture hall
How did you show up to your meeting yesterday? Were you on time? Did you come prepared with questions to ask and ideas to contribute? Did you sit up and take notes? Or did you sit in the …
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When routines get in the way
“A sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program.” This is how Google defines a routine. Whether they are intentionally designed or habit by happenstance, we all have routines. They are …
Why You Don’t Like to Read: My Simple Process for Finding Better Books
I set a personal goal to read 30 books in 2018. It was an ambitious target for someone who didn’t consider himself much of a “reader". But on December 28, I finished This is Marketing by Seth Godin …
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