We all work in environments filled with constraints. We have limited time, money, people, and resources. When we choose to do something, it means saying no to something else. Therefore it is …
Atomic Essays
Learn from success
Failures will happen. But don’t coddle yourself with platitudes to make them seem like something more than they are. Failures are to be avoided. Plain and simple. Do not be complacent to learn from …
Meeting minutes
Stop using the default meeting duration. Most work calendar applications will default to 30 minute or 1 hour meetings. This feature is meant to add convenience. But really it just encourages …
Will Social Media be Replaced by Personal Websites?
Social media companies have taken a beating this past year. Facebook was accused of allowing Russia to influence the election, Twitter has been attacked for moderating free speech, and both platforms …
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Interruption is the enemy of productivity
Your day is under siege by interruptions. It’s on you to fight back.Rework Each day at work this year has felt like a battle in a never ending war against interruptions. An onslaught of …
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Get more sleep
We hear all the time how important sleep is for our health. But yet we still live in a culture that glorifies those who brag about only getting 5 hours of sleep. Nobody I work with ever considers a …
Communication requires effort
Technology is a double-edged sword when applied to business communication. In most respects, it has greatly enhanced our ability to communicate efficiency and productivity. Personal secretaries have …
Be okay with good enough
Working in an environment with big challenges and limited resources can be daunting. Every problem feels like a mountain and it’s tempting to feel like it’s up to you to solve it in one big fell …
Plan for today
I am a planner. Always have been. I keep a running checklist of things I need to do and my calendar is always up to date. Planning gives me a sense of control in my life, both at work and at home. I …
Harness the power of quick wins
Managing long term projects is difficult. Expectations, circumstances, resources, and priorities change constantly. Often there are so many variables outside of your control. It's easy to get …