Most emergencies have a short half-life. Those drop-everything-and-work-on-this type of problems tend not to last very long. They fade. Emergencies either get solved, or they become part of the …
October 15, 1962
On the morning of October 15, 1962, President Kennedy and his staff were informed that the Soviet Union had placed nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba. Missiles capable of killing over 80 million Americans …
Have a great day by noon
We don’t have an unlimited supply of energy and focus. Our energy ebbs and flows throughout the day, generally decreasing from the morning’s first cup of coffee until our heads hit the pillow at …
The difference between amateurs and professionals
One word: Consistency. Amateurs show up when it’s convenient. Professionals are reliable even when the urgencies of life get in the way. Amateurs clock in when they’re motivated. Professionals …
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