There’s never enough free time in the day, is there? Not enough time to get to the gym, to learn a new skill, read a good book, or make progress on that idea we keep talking about. Many of us …
A cruel form of corporate punishment
People are programmed to pay attention when there’s conflict. We tune in to drama. Hollywood directors know this. Which is why we’ll pay $15 for the privelege to sit silently in grease-stained …
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They say you should dream BIG!
But maybe not too big. The problem with big dreams is that they often become a convenient excuse to procrastinate. You see, a big dream must be planned meticulously. All the details ironed …
If you want to go slow
Then choose the comfortable path. Do what everyone else your age is doing.Consume more than you create.Only do the bare minimum.Never volunteer. But if you want to go fast, then you’ll need to …
The cost of quality
Should you always strive to increase the quality of your product? Or is there a point of diminishing returns? This thought occurred to me after I ended a long-winded conversation with a …
The right tool for the job
Evernote is my favorite note-taking app. I use every day to jot down ideas, save pictures of receipts, journal my thoughts, write new blog posts, and much more. Up until a month ago, one of …
The true cost of a late night
What’s the harm in walking into work Monday morning a little groggy? As it turns out, quite a bit. According to one estimate, the economic cost of sleep loss in the …
Inspiration is for amateurs
Motivation is a fickle thing. Something as basic as hunger can completely zap you of any internal drive to keep going. It’s best not to rely on it. The fact of life is that there …
The fight against complexity
All organizations are entropic. They never drift towards simplicity, but become more complicated as they grow. Left unchecked, complexity will eventually kill growth. Therefore, a …
Adding benefits versus removing problems
Science tells us that drinking water first thing in the morning is one of the best things we can do for our health. A 16oz glass of H2O kick-starts your metabolism, rehydrates, wakes you up, helps …
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